

  • A roux can be made two ways. First is flour and butter. A butter roux is typically used for seafood dishes such as Etouffee's. The second type of roux is a flour and oil roux. This roux is typically used for gumbo's, stew's and like dishes. For a healther roux, try using a quality olive oil or almond oil with whole wheat…
  • YOU inspire me to do better. Thankyou for your post and keep up the amazing progress.
  • Congradulations on the 12 pounds. Keep up the good work. The only problem you will have is the extra cost of new (and smaller) clothes. I definetely can see a difference in the two sets of pictures. I guess for the next set of pictures, you will have to use a new bikini since the black pok-a-dot one won't fit! Again,…
  • Happy birthday to all that will celebrate a birthday soon, espically turning 40! It's really not as bad as you might think. I started tracking my food intake on this site in mid January of this year and have gotton more out of it that I ever thought. As for turning 40 and fit, I missed that boat about 14 years ago. So I am…
  • I prefer an old classic on women. White Linen by Ester Lauder. You can't go wrong with this one. It is truely an amazing fragrance.