DaisyCrazy82 Member


  • The fitbit Charge tracks steps, stairs, sleep and calories. The fitbit Charge HR does all of that and tracks your Heart Rate as well, which to me gives a more accurate count of calories in my opinion.
  • That's great. I planning on finding some spinning videos online and giving them a try. I am going to go around to various stores and try out some bikes first, to be sure I get the right one.
  • I mean specifically for indoor use. I don't have an actual bike at the moment, but am interested in looking into mountain biking come spring/summer. Thanks for the suggestions. *I have a bum hip and spinning seems to be the best form of cardio for me at the moment*
  • My Goals for 2014: -Pull-ups without a band -HSPU -DU's (more than 10 in a row) -Run at least one 5km race this summer -Dead Lift 225lbs
  • This Mornings Workout Warmup: 500 m Rowing 10 m x 2 Bear walk Butt Kicks Crabwalk Burpee Jumps High Kicks Grapevine WOD: "Swinging Annie" 50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders (scaled to double the amount of skips and 3 burpees for every trip) KB Swings (scaled to 12kg) Sit Ups Time: 23:21 (abs are still very sore from last weeks…
  • I too found the overall response to Crossfit on this site shocking. I have been going to Crossfit for about 2 months now, 3-4 times a week and I love it. I have never challenged myself physically like this before and it feels great. I too come in last most times, but I don't mind. My challenge is with myself, my will and…
  • I believe that everyone is entitled to an opinion and I have seen instances where people have gotten hurt in many forms of excercise. However, I do not believe that Crossfit can be generalized into a specific do or die category. I have been doing Crossfit for the passed two months and love it. The instructors I work with…