

  • I agree!! I don't follow the scale at all. I have been the same weight for a year; however, I have lost a LOT of inches. Sometimes your body just hits its' set point and you can't pass it. If you continue to exercise, you will lose the inches, and your jeans will feel SO much better to wear!! I should add too: Women…
  • Well when I started exercising, I gained a whole lot of weight because when you build up your muscle it weighs more than fat. So when you lose fat and gain muscle, at first you may gain until your metabolism builds up and you start losing fat more quickly. Chances are, your still getting into your program and the slow burn…
  • Exactly you burn calories, no matter how small the amount it seems like this website completely disregarded the effort involved. I don't do cadrio other than for warm up, and I lose more weight with weight lifting than I do with cardio... Something should be done about this.