

  • Hey Nadyasmom....feeling better? I just read your last post. One great dvd that I've been doing on the days that run is called Turbo Jam. It has a GREAT 20 minute workout on it. It will wear you out, too! I've found that I can't Shred on days that I run. It seems that the Shred dvd really tires out my lower calf muscles,…
  • Hello Elle! Good luck with Shredding! I love it! I think it's a GREAT dvd! Keep in touch and let us know how it goes! Love the pic of your cat! Is that a bath on purpose? :happy:
  • Hello Nadyasmom, Butterfly and Hoamai! Glad to see you all here! I'm always glad to hear what other people think and experience with this Shred dvd. I love it! I think that the strength part is great! I can already tell a difference in my arms. As for losing weight....I'm not sure. I'm doing some other things, too, so I…
  • Yay! Glad to see you here! I'm doing it 4 days a week. I'm still on Level 1. Is that what you're on?
  • Good luck! Please let me know how it goes! I'm not quite ready for Level 2 but I can't wait to try it!
  • Boy did I ever blow it tonight. :sick: I ate pizza and if that wasn't enough....I ate 12 Cadbury mini eggs. I know you have to eat things you love sometimes but when I see the calories.......dang! Help!
  • Oh no!!! Did you ice it or anything? Don't worry about motivation...keep posting on here and let us know how you're recovering. We'll try to keep you motivated so you can get back into some kind of exercise! So far everything's good with me. I'm on Day 6 and it's still hard, but I can tell a difference in my overall tone.…
  • You're already on Day 14?? There is hope for me yet! I'm trying to do this every other day. I am running, too, and it seems that the days I Shred...I can barely run. My legs are just too tired. So how's level 2? It looks tough! Any helpful advice? I've definitely noticed a change even though I'm just a week into it. I can…
  • Hey Karen! I'm not sure what day it is for me....I think 5. It's still hard! I do love it, though. I feel that I'm really going to get those "summer arms" from this! I'm thinking that my afterschool group is going to move up to Level 2 in a week. We're doing ok with Level 1 on everything except those side lunges where you…
  • Of course you can join us! We're all basically at the beginning! It really helps talking to other people to see how it's going. I have no idea how to track the calories. I've just put in high impact aerobic but somebody else might have a better idea how to do it. If anyone finds out...share! Glad to see you here! Let us…
  • It gets better! Day 2 is WAY worse than Day 1. But hang in there! Glad to see you!
  • No it's not too late!!! I've only done it 4 times now and there's no way you can do it and NOT tone up! I can't even do those shoulder lift to eye level things all the way through yet! What's Barry's Bootcamp? So YES.....keep in touch here and let us know how it's going with you! Glad to meet you!
  • Karen...sounds like you're doing better all the time! I didn't get to do the Shred yesterday but I did run 2.25 miles. I was so sore yesterday that I'm not sure I could have done it anyway. I am going to do it today and try to do it every day that I can. Let me know how it's going.
  • Hey Karen! Sounds like you're doing great! I'm off today for Good Friday so I'm going to Shred in a little while. So far so good. The push ups are the hardest! And that exercise where you lunge out to the side while lifting weights straight up in front of! My arms still hurt! What kind of heart rate monitor do…
  • Wow, Yari! You're really losing the pounds! I've never had a spinning class...but just watching it makes me tired! :laugh: Let me know how that goes. I teach 4th and 5th grade science right now and LOVE it! As for arms and legs are so weak...I'm not sure I can go out this evening to run! Ok, good luck with…
  •'s awesome that you're on Day 2!!! And it seems that it's always harder the second day. I think it's fantastic that you can do as many push ups as you do...even the girlie ones! They aren't easy just because you're on your knees. So keep at it and don't feel frustrated about regular ones! That will come! I'm…
  • Hello everyone! Yari...I'm impressed! I can barely do 10 sit ups! Well, day 1 of the Shred was a killer! I'm not sure what did me in: I ran this afternoon.....then did the Shred just a while ago. I wasn't able to do all the push ups but I can see how this will kick your butt! I'm ready for Day 2! Congrats on losing a…
  • Ok...just for the record...I said earlier that I was going to go do the first Shred in a few mins...I'm really waiting until Wednesday. :blushing: That's why I started this! Anyway...I can't wait to hear from anyone who's on here that's started!
  • Hey Ashley! I'm a teacher, too! What a job right? Anyway...glad you're shredding with us! And good luck on that half marathon! I tried to do the country music one in Nashville last April....but got a stress fracture and had to quit running 2 days before the race. :sad: So now I'm finally back running. Between shredding and…
  • Hey Yari! I can't wait to see how it went for you! Glad you're joining us! We should think of a name for this little group! Let me know how you're doing!
  • Hey there! I'm getting ready to go do it in a few mins! Tell me about your HRM. How does it work? I'm proud of you for hanging in there! I watched it last night and it looks TOUGH! Way to go!
  • I believe you do it once a day for 30 days. However, I'm only doing it 5 times a week.
  • I think it's great that you're starting with us!!! I'm going to try 5x a week. I am also running 4-5 times a week as well. I'm just now getting ready to do my first try! Glad you're joining up with us!
  • Glad that you're in! WOW on your 62 lbs!!!!! Those push ups are HARD! I watched the dvd and I'm not sure I can do as many as they do....even at the girlie level! Let me know how it goes after tomorrow!
  • 5x a week sounds perfect!!! Let's do it starting tomorrow! Heh...that almost sounds weird...let's start exercising.......tomorrow! LOL
  • I am going to try to do like the dvd suggest and do it everyday. However, after just watching it....whew! That's my goal....I'm guessing that you could go your own pace as far as how many times a week. The dvd also says to move up a level when you're good with the one you're on. So that's what I'll try! What do you think?
  • I just got my dvd in the mail today, but my hand weights are at work. So if anyone wants to start with me...I'm starting tomorrow on Level 1!
  • Hey! Glad to see some runners! Good luck with your miles!
  • Hey! Good luck with your running, too! There's a great article in Runner's World Magazine that has stretches designed just for shin splints! Ones to help recover and ones to help prevent. You could probably go to the website and find it, too. I'm aiming for a 5k at the beginning of May. It's my first race after SERIOUSLY…