danamack Member


  • I think my point is that at a certain point the speed you are moving is no longer a walking speed and I'd like the app to recognize that and adjust. Or at the very least calcuate that a 9/mile walking burns more calories than a 14/mile, and currently it does not.
  • Maybe you could consider using a different app? If Runtastic is not meeting your needs, it might be time to shop around... [/quote] I have shopped around and used a bunch of different apps all of them have their pain points, so I stick with Runstastic...the devil you know and all. I do like that Runtastic feeds into MFP…
  • Then what you probably need is a HRM. It will calculate your burns more appropriately since you like to switch between walking and running. And yes running burns almost double the calories as walking. The more your heart rate is up, the more calories you burn. [/quote] Yes, a HRM would be the most accurate and at some…
  • Sure you can blame the app, it can have a more sophisticated algorithm for calculation based on the gps information it is receiving. For example, after a run I am able to see all sorts of information detailing the elevation, however none of that is factored in to the amount of calories I earn for it. I earn the same amount…
  • And further more, the way to change your activity is a settings thing rather than select before you start your activity. When you start a gps exercise the app displays 'Standard Activity', not 'Running' or 'Walking' so you have to remember what you set your Standard Activity to which is silly. Most often I am running, but…
  • Sure, they do burn different amounts, but not as dramatic as Runtastic assumes. For example, I took my dog for a walk yesterday so I had it set to walking. A mile in it started to rain, and my dog who normally does not run was amenable and ran the last two miles with me. The first mile was a14/mile, the last 2 were 9/miles…
  • I'm frustrated with Runtastic too. If you use the gps it shouldn't matter whether you have it set to running or walking, but I've run when I've unknowingly had it set to walk and earned about half of what I would have earned for running. A 9/mile is a 9/mile, I feel like my calories should be calculated based on that. Ugh!
  • I'm GF as well, I will add you. All others feel free to add me as well. Like others have mentioned, I play fast and loose with entering my calories so it doesn't necessarily say GF when it is. :)
  • Feel free to add me, I'm in the market for friends as well :)
  • Added :smile: