theSlippery1 Member


  • I'm looking for MFP pals, too... hit me up if you're looking to shift some lard, have good focus and an open eating diary! Cheers!
  • Perfect! I'm in to skim some Xmas lard off (damn you pigs in blankets!) Feel free to add me anyone. Especially those who share diaries. Nosiness is a key logging in motivator!
  • Coffee enables caffeine addiction. Caffeine blows various receptors giving you a rush. The more you take, the more you'll need. It'll get you in the end. If you think you're having too much coffee, then go without for 5 days.... if they are the worst five days imaginable, with headaches, dizziness and brain fog, then yep,…
  • Concern yourself with: 1) Avoiding 'Processed' sugar... i.e. any food that's high in sugar thanks to it's time spent in a factory (inc. fruit juices) and 2) Staying under the daily/weekly calories.... fruit isn't ' calorie free but it is damn good for you!
  • Sugars from whole fruits aren't an issue as long as you keep an eye on the daily calories... best to avoid juices tho, as the sugar is a lot more concentrated + void of all the fibre to slow it's absorption down
  • I'm UK based.... Love my food and drink... but WILL be under the calorie line come the end of the week.... Any active users who'd be good enough to link up? /Steve