

  • My go-to snack when I get the "sweets" attack is to crumble 1-2 small squares of graham crackers in a small bowl, cut 1/2 banana then add yougart (I prefer Chobani) perhaps a bit of honey, and cinnamon. Or 10 choc chips. Or granola bits. It reminds me of a healthy banana pudding.
  • Are you eating the proper amount of fruit and protein? Protein has staying power and fruit should help with cravings. In the afternoons, I find that something like a few nuts, fruit, perhaps Laughing Cow low fat cheese wedges and celery, make good 4 pm snacks. Water too is necessary
  • Personally I choose not to eat processed foods and find I can cook most things from scratch using simple tools, as you indicate. For instance, chicken and fish cook beautifully in the microwave (toaster oven too).. Apply a bit of soy/paprika, if you want a bit of color. Just don't overcook or will be tough. Start at one…