obviouslysubtle Member


  • Hi, there! Age: 27 Height: 5' 6.5" (169 cm) Highest weight: 188 SW (on MFP): 160 LW (on MFP): 145 CW: 154 :/ GW: 125-130 Feel free to add me, everybody! Especially, if there any of you out there who also happen to live in rural Japan. All the delicious fatty restaurant food and yummy sweets are ruining me!
  • While it's true that tea is almost entirely water, you have to take into account that some (like Green tea) are mild diuretics. If you're drinking a lot of tea or coffee, you might want to keep an eye on your water intake. Otherwise, you're probably all right just drinking what you feel comfortable with. Coffee,…
  • I'm aiming for 125-130. That seems reasonable because I'm pretty sure I sit on the border between a small and medium body frame. I might be happy with 135 if I'm carrying a lot of muscle. But since I hate exercising, that's probably not going to happen.
  • I'm technically 5' 6.75," but close enough. My starting weight two years ago was 160. I got down to 152 before falling off the wagon after Thanksgiving of 2010. I got down to 152 again this fall, and once again fell off the wagon this holiday. I'm 156 right now but can't bring myself to change my ticker again. My ultimate…
  • I created a group, guys! Search for "Let's Lose for Turkey Day" if you want to join.
  • I'm in! Obviouslysubtle 5' 7" SW: 153 GW: 145
  • Peacheshka, I know how you feel. I'm not a big fan of exercise, especially anything that makes me feel like my lungs are going to explode. That said, I'm about to walk out the door to do some late morning jogging/walking. Wish me luck guys!
  • Height: 5' 7" SW: 160 CW: 153 GW: 130 I got down to 153 around this time last year; then everything fell apart slowly but surely during the holidays. I'm determined to break below 150 before the end of November this time around. Keeping motivated with someone who's a similar weight and body type would be awesome!
  • Same here. I fell off the wagon when the holidays started last year and just recently got back on track. Morale boosts from others would help.