

  • how did you get rid of the tummy flab? that is my worst zone!!! my legs are very toned and always have been from walking a lot but i just can't get rid of the flab!!! you look amazing!
  • As a woman who has always had large breasts (nicknames in HS- "Titty Titty Bang Bang" and "Jugs" and "Watermelons") I have thought about getting a reduction. Because my muscles strain to hold up my chest, my spine is now beginning to curve in the wrong direction. I have "military neck." When the doctor held a pencil up to…
  • You are so gorgeous! You must feel so much healthier and happier. Congratulations on becoming more healthy and on quitting smoking!!!!! I'm trying to lose about 70 lbs. Any hints on how to get the fat off my stomach? I'm sick of the flab!!!