

  • You can get it from walmart, they even have their great value version, which is what i buy, it's not more than a couple dollars, and its got like 24 servings, I really like it when i want something other than water. i used to be addicted to sodas, so it was hard at first, but i love water.
  • I used to get shin splints all the time in track. One great easy excerise you can do sitting: Feet flat on the ground and tap your feet, the toe part, up and down. I never had a set number, i just did it whenever i was sitting; it became like habit for me.
  • I am NOT a beachbody coach, and I don't want to sell you. But I decided to try shakeology, and for anyone whose curious, check my video of my reaction:
  • Maybe you're bored with your workout, maybe try something new.. a dance video or a sport. or just tell yourself like work. If you don't go, there is serious bad things going to happen. You need make yourself understand and believe getting fired is aweful and no one wants or needs that; same concept, no workout means…
  • I have this exact one at home, and its great. One con... it takes a lil bit for it to filter the water,and that can be time consuming with the amount of water you want to drink a day, you'll constantly be refilly it.. Brita makes a filter that you actually place on your faucet head and it filters straight from there... I…
  • ever thought about buying a filter to put on your tap, and then you can get a a big 64oz jug and store your water like that?
  • honestly, i did the same thing.. not every video is created equal. maybe 30day shred isn't up your alley, try something else.
  • I'm a HUGE girls, 34F.. and I order from online. BUT i just found a sports bra at walmart, sized 2x, its feels like its got extra weave sew in ..which, accomplied by a looser under sport bra ( i have to always wear two).. makes me comfortable enough to job and jumpjakes.
  • Was it the flavor or the texture?
  • $130 a month supply, for breakfast - that is about $4 a day. Most folks spend $4 for a coffee, or fast food. So its a upfront investment, that isn't my issue. I just want to know how folks who have used the product feel. I appreciate everyone's comments.
  • Which one did you try, I heard green berry is not good.
  • me too, 5'4.5 ... all I ever wanted to be was 5'5... don't ask me why... I feel so cheated! :smile:
  • So here is my goal workout routine: Mondays: Chest and Back / ABS / Cardio Tuesdays: Plyometrics (P90x) / Cardio Wednesdays: Shoulders and Arms / ABS / Cardio Thursdays: Yoga (P90x) / Cardio Fridays: Legs and Back / ABS / Cardio Saturdays: Kempo (P90x) / Cario Sunday: Cardio When weight days, my goal is 1-3 reps of 10-12,…
  • 27, female, 5'4 SW: 185lb CW: 175lb GW: 130-140lb :smile:
  • you can find him at ryanfitman. I'm sure he'd appreciate the friend and advise. :smile:
  • 10 lbs in 3 weeks in more than some lose in a month! Be proud and just know your body has to adjust to your new lifestyle. AND large losses are not regular, so celebrate your victory, but don't expect it every week, you'll only disappoint yourself. Keep track of your inches, thats where most of the changes will happen.…
  • remember that MFP calorie suggestion for you is already a defiet level.. you 'might' be under eating... if you are working out hard, your body actually needs you to replenish what you worked out. sounds a lil strange i know... I too have a hard time eating back those calories...
  • I use to waitress in a asian restuarant, and they drank hot water all the time. Said it was good for overall health. After reading all the potential benefits, I'm definitely going to try it out!
  • also muscle weights more than fat. i had a similar issue back in the day...i was tiny and started up sports and gains 7bls... i freaked out... even tho my clothes fit the same.. then i learned, muscle is more than fat. you may just be readjusting your body's ratio fat to muscle. good on you!
  • hello LOVE! I will have to make these... MFP said today I may be UNDER eating... this will do nicely!
  • I would love to... one problem.. i HATE JILLIAN MICHAELS.. Which is sad, she is such an inspiration... but she rubs me wrong, and I watched some of the video... and her voice grates me ears... best of luck guys!!
  • Absolutely do your research on healthly eating! And don't be afraid to get sore from weight training... It will hurt for a day or two... just tough it out at work and then you'll notice it doesn't hurt, and you may even feel stronger. Just remember eating more only applies if you are working out to balance it. Fitness…
  • Believe me what you've lost is fantastic and you should remind yourself of that achievement! Lots of folks lose the weight become restless because you don't lose the weight just to stop and revert to your old lifestyle. Maybe something to help is to now stop focusing on the number of lbs you are, and focus on the fitness…
  • Here's a link to better demostrate the alternate version for a pushup... I also have bad knees, and low upper body strength. it's key to do QUALITY over QUANITY. And get some light weights 5-10lbs so that you can do some upper body training and…