

  • I have taken Adipex (generic is phentermine) an appetite suppressant along w/Lasix (generic Furosemide) which is a diuretic, both are only available w/a prescription. I ate right, did not exercise & lost a lot of weight, the downside is once I Stopped taking the Adipex my appetite came back double, it's as if my body was…
  • I'm New to MFP, I signed up last night and backtracked all of my info that i was keeping in a handwritten journal, in addition to taking the 1st step to a healthier lifestyle (exercise and moderation) I am also in the process of quitting smoking. For the 1st time I have a realistic wt loss goal and don't want any quick…
  • I have been smoking off and on for 23 years, in the past I have quit cold turkey very easily, the longest time being close to 2 years. This time I found it impossible to quit cold turkey so i enlisted the help of my dr who prescribed chantrix ( and I have also been utilizing the chantrix GETQUIT website daily) I have been…