CriosDubh Member


  • I'm a mama nerd to five nerdlings to whom I have taught 1980s era D&D. Nerdy enough for ya?
  • I can try in class, just not at testing,
  • Congratulations!
  • LOL I have my own fantasy list of people deserving a nice palm heel, but I keep it to myself.
  • I respect the way you were brought up. The same issue was brought up by several men in my dojang. However, I believe that ere is a huge difference between violence against unsuspecting women off the mat and sparring one's female classmates. Women in the sport signed up knowing that sparring is part of the curriculum. Women…
  • Duplicate deleted
  • It's so great to read these replies! I guess I need to push for more co-ed sparring opportunities. I've never had a problem with anyone hitting me too hard except for one woman and a couple of teenage girls. The irony of it! I think the leaders of our organization are a bit too old fashioned. How about breaking? We have to…
  • We adults do practice and get graded on free-form no-rules one steps against all opponents. I guess this is supposed to be the self defense portion of the curriculum. Our instructor will also haul out the Red Man suit a few times a month so we can attack him like we would someone in real life. In class we spar more freely…
  • Also on the barefoot wagon... I switched to Vibrams for running, and it's helped me. However, they are not for people who are currently experiencing plantar fasciitis or Achilles tendon problems. I wear my Vibrams everywhere except church, but in the summer, I have a nice pair of tevas
  • What they said, and have a great test!
  • I'm Tara, and I have five kids, ages nearly six to just fourteen. My oldest has no formal diagnosis but has severe intellectual disabilities, seizure disorder, and autism. My second and fourth have ADHD and anxiety, but are otherwise typical. My third and fifth are completely typical, yay! I struggle with stress eating and…
  • This has probably already been said, but don't buy snack food in easily consumed portions like bags of popcorn, mini Doritos bags, pudding cups, micorwavable mac and cheese, etc. make them cook it or dish it into small containers if they want it. And YES lock your pantry! I have locked mine and keep it locked and don't…
  • Love my dojang and instructors. The leads are a husband and wife team who have been practicing TKD since elementary school. They are truly an inspiration, and watching them practice is like watching a dance performance. They have assembled a team of assistant instructors who are wonderful, talented teachers. Never though…
  • LOL you took out your HRM with an elbow strike!
    in Forms Comment by CriosDubh July 2012
  • Adding to all the above advice, you need to heal your Achilles before you start running barefoot. The calf muscles and Achilles are vey active in the barefoot running form. If you're already injured, your stride will be wonky and you'll likely injure yourself further. I run in my Vibrams, and while my knees and hips love…
  • What do you train in? taekwondo (but our association seems to be moving toward incorporating "best practices" from other styles) When did you start? A bit over three years ago Who inspires you? The instructors at my school! They are a husband-and-wife team and amazing people! Biggest accomplishment/ proudest moment so far?…
  • Currently we're doing a 10 minute circuit of 45 seconds full effort/15 seconds rest to change stations. This is usually followed by 5 to 10 minutes of dynamic stretching, then on to the main part of class (contact skills, floor drills, forms, sparring, counter-aggression skills, and/or agility training).
    in Warm Up! Comment by CriosDubh July 2012
  • The most comparable exercise I could think of would be dance. I plugged in "dancing, general" for 60 minutes, and got 301 calories. Ballet was 328. It sounds about right.
    in Forms Comment by CriosDubh July 2012
  • Hi there! I hope your testing went well! I'm 41 and practice TKD as well. I will be testing for my red belt in October, and I will be testing for trainee instructor as well. I want to set a good example for my kids and the students by getting healthy and back in shape. Also, I want to be able to all the kicks without…
  • I wouldn't worry about the intake ao much when you are sick. Sometime when I get a stomach virus, I subsist on flat diet pepsi and bananas for a couple of days. The important thing is to never intentionally restrict your calories for days on end. Your body will rebel by slowing down. As soon as you can tolerate food again,…
  • I agree that it's probably lack of sufficient calories and hydration. Of course, you could just have a slight cold.
  • You really need to wait before you start restricting calories. Just try to eat healthily, take your vitamins, and get some walking in when you're ready. You don't want to start losing bone mass and muscle mass because they are going into your breastmilk. Good luck... don't push yourself! You'll get back into your old…
  • As long as you keep going that's OK with me. I've got my iPod, what do I care???? Now PERFUME, THAT is rude. Bleah.
  • Read this article. My doctor said that adult-onset ADHD is really what happens when a person who has always had ADHD loses the ability to compensate for the disorder. Some people with ADHD grow up undiagnosed while functioning at a high state thanks to…