"She is my heart and I am her legs." Story of a man who got into shape so that he could take his daughter with cerebral palsy on adventures, including triathlons! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2188373/Rick-van-Beek-Devoted-dad-runs-triathlon-carrying-teenager-daughter-cerebral-palsy.html
Whenever possible, the association to which my dojang belongs tries to avoid co-ed sparring among adult students (basically 16 & up). How about yours? One one hand, I appreciate not having to spar people who dwarf me physically, given that i can only kick so high due to hip injuries. My sparring strategy for people taller…
http://www.teamhoyt.com/ Are you as inspired by these two gentlemen as I am? My son with disabilities loves it when I take him running in his giant stroller or push him around the pool whike im swimkming laps. He used to enjoy biking with me, but i havent found to adult-size trailer to take him out in, and I can't afford…