

  • What is a thirty day shred? I want to lose weight so bad :cry: but it is a new goal for me and I am still learning...advice please?
  • girl you measurments and goal fall right in line with mine! The numbers are darn near the same only I weigh 167 and want to get down to 120 ish. good luck hun I have a hard time some days but thats normal I just try to keep that picture of how I used to look in my mind and reach for the stars!
  • for the fries try the sweet potato fries I hear they are really really good and a whole lot healthier for you...and if you can bake instead of fry always bake....no need for the worries about frying your food.
  • Hi I am 25 5'4 and 167lbs -.-.... but it is after two beautiful daughters. My goal weight it 125lbs now that I am done having babies. I love food to and I struggle each day at the tale with portion sizes. I know I shouldn't each a lot but it tastes so good. I am trying hard to learn to curve my appetite after letting…