

  • try vegemite or marimite, they are concentrated yeast extracts loaded with sodium. It is an acquired taste i'm not sure you're going to like it.
  • They have high potassium content only second to banana and coconut water. The added salt (sodium) can sometimes negate the potassium though.
  • I read that they, along with Chia seeds, are great toppings for plain fat-free greek yogurt but the problem is i cannot find them anywhere in the supermarket.
  • Thanks for the tips everyone. A slight caloric deficit seems to be what would do the trick but it surely would be difficult in the presence of my big appetite. Does a daily 120g protein sound ideal? i don't really know the exact forumla if i'm aiming for maintaining/slightly increasing muscle mass? your help will be…
  • Oh boy, it seems like I'm stuck in the lose-fat-but-maintain-muscle cubbyhole! Weight training can really make a man hungry throughout the day, hungry for carbs that is, fruits ain't cutting it for me at least. From my understanding, it is a diet dilemma that I'm facing and MFP's proposed calorie intake is basically a dud,…
  • Bump. Have any of you faced a similar plataue?