

  • Do a personal training session or two, and learn how to use free weights if you want to. You will still be getting benefits from the machines so try not to be too hard on yourself! I think it is the same at every gym with the people who will judge, but you have to remind yourself that you are making a positive and…
  • Cold and flu tablets are not usually appetite suppresants....I am guessing you are feeling less hungry because you are sick. Don't force feed yourself, your body will be guiding you as to how much you should be eating. I was told by a health and nutrition specialist that when you are sick you should eat lots of different…
  • Definitely don't skip a meal because you had one bad meal. This will put your body into starvation mode and it will then just hold on to those excess calories you have eaten. My advice would be (as other have said) smash out some cardio which is a good fat burner and then tonight for dinner have salad or vegies with…
  • Hi, I am 156cms (I dont know what that is in inches 5'1 maybe?) I am about 120 pounds and I am trying to get to around 110. I have been eating 1200 calories a day (sometimes more) and I am at the gym hard out 5-6 days a week. I am happy to be added as a friend and happy to take any advice that anyone can give me. I dont…