

  • welcome : ) im new also...and i liked ur line less of a also on the same goal..look smaller for my boyfriend... fitness is the key i was told by a few people. take care
    in I'm new! Comment by SGM523 March 2009
  • Thank You to everyone for your support. I had my first break down calories in meals yesterday and really It felt good. I felt like I could do this more and I even worked out last night for about an hour. I do believe it will just be time before I hopefully can be my goal weight of 130.lbs. one day at a time is what they…
  • Hello, So I joined this becasue my boyfriends on this and lost like over 76 pounds in 300days by eating right,runngin,working out and ig uess this helped him a lot. My whole life my weight has been up and down : ( so I've been from size 6 to 14/16 since I was around 15. I basically have had struggles with not eating right…
  • i reccomend Weight Watchers ice cream it does the trick. : )