

  • Do not judge yourself by this day... relax... take a deep breath and start fresh in the morning!:bigsmile:
  • Eat what you like and don't go for variety till you feel more in control.
  • I also struggled with this and then I took a food management/ nutrition class called: Down and Dirty weight loss, taught by ILene Vick who on her own lost 100 pounds in a year. Her tools helped me understand why I am a food addict and what the food industry does to fuel my addiction. Check her out on Facebook and tell her…
  • I have a life coach named, ILene Vick, who has a Kindle book , Down and Dirty Weightloss, she also has a Facebook page with the same name. She lost 100 pounds last year and has really helped me understand how to defeat this food demon.ILene gets it "DIETS" do not work. Just tell her Cindy sent you and good luck!