Algona Iowa
I am working on losing 100 too! Add away!
I was "this close" to re-joining a local WW group today for the 2nd time in my life. I truly didn't want to part with the 186.00 for 17 weeks however....the more I read, the more I'm convinced....MFP can work for me! I simply have to use it more diligently. I need moral support since I won't be weighing in at WW in person.…
I love MFP! I have done both and have lost weight on WW but the community here and the app just seem to flow better! Feel free to add me!
I loved your story!! What an inspiration to us all! I have a goal to lost 100 lbs. I just need to learn to be honest with MFP and track daily-obviously--it works! CONGRATS!
Me too! Feel free to add me ;)
Feel dee to add me! I too would like to add to my friend list so anyone that would like on this post....add me too!!
Welcome! You can add me :)
You can add me as well. Your story is heartbreaking (childhood diet etc.) I am a 48 year old mom of 3. My mom was a great cook and served us veggies or fruit with every meal. I was blessed to have a good role model that way. I passed that onto our 3 children ages now: 23, 20 and 19. We cook together now & implement our…
This is a great site too!
Awesome story! What an inspiration!!
I am all those things as well. 47 soon to be 48. I have 80 to 100 to lose. I burned out on gym membership fees. Living in Iowa--it has been so nasty to even leave the house before work to go to a gym. I could use the support on this board :)
This add on is amazing! I love it! I now have the ability to track my points and have MFP do my daily totals. My only question is: I wonder if this add on works on an Ipad 2? I would love to have it show up there too on my MFP app. Thanks for the tip. :)
This week. When I was winded and sweaty just walking to a meeting. I am 47 but feel like I am 80.