

  • This is so totally awesome! You have to tell us all how you accomplished so much in so little time. I know I need the advise.
  • At this time in my life, I have hypothyrodism, had a full hysterectomy last year, turning 50 at the end of the month. I weight more now than I ever have, 162 lbs at 5'1". MFP set me at 1200 calories, like most women on here. I started working out about 2 months ago. My problem is I don't know what to eat. Weight watchers…
  • HI! I have just started this week. I would love to receive some motivation and also give some in return. But beware, I'm a direct person. I say what I mean and mean what I say. But I mean it in the kindest way possible. Add me in!!!!
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