arcticflower Member


  • I'm in! 10-15 pounds would be great, but more importantly for me, I want to go from a size 14 to a size 10. Good luck everyone!
  • I agree you should see a doctor. Considering the rest of your body seems very slim, the placement and size of your belly doesn't seem quite right. Take care of yourself, I wish you the best.
  • I'm in! I did level 1 and 2 yesterday to give myself a kickstart and then regretted it today because I'm so sore. Today I just did some jumping jacks and jogging on the spot for 15 minutes. I will get back into level 1 tomorrow. Let's DO this!
  • Nikki, of course it's OK that you started the thread. I'm so sorry you're going through a breakup, but good for you for sticking with the challenge and not letting this tough time set you back! You are a strong woman, keep it up.
  • Week 1: 147.5 pounds Week 2: 145.0 pounds -2.5 pounds Week 3: 143.4 pounds -1.6 pounds Week 4: don't know because I was traveling Week 5: don't know because I was traveling Week 6: 141 -2.4 pounds in 3 weeks Week 7: 141 - no loss Week 8: 140.2 (estimated) -0.8 pounds Week 9: missed this weigh-in Week 10: 138.8 -1.4 pounds…
  • Hi everyone, I had a crazy stressful week so I missed weigh-in day, but I'm doing well in terms of weight this week. Today I saw 139.5 on the scale, and it's the first time I've been in the 130's in probably 4 years at least, maybe 5. It's hard to know what my weight was on Tuesday, so I'll divide my weight loss since last…
  • Ash, of course it's OK that you started this thread. Thanks!
  • YAYYY JENN!!!! Congrats! My progress stalled this week unfortunately. Week 1: 147.5 pounds Week 2: 145.0 pounds -2.5 pounds Week 3: 143.4 pounds -1.6 pounds Week 4: don't know because I was traveling Week 5: don't know because I was traveling Week 6: 141 -2.4 pounds in 3 weeks Week 7: 141 - no loss Total of 6.5 pounds…
  • Welcome RebD, eeyore, historygeek, ashsmile, Sarah and ewhitaker!
  • Ashsmile, I like the idea of a dessert challenge, I'll join you! However I think for me committing to dessert only once a week is more likely. I will try to just have a smoothie when the dessert urge hits me, so long as it would still keep me within calorie limits. Good luck!
  • Week 1 weigh-in: 147.5 pounds Week 2 weigh-in: 145.0 pounds -2.5 pounds Week 3 weigh-in: 143.4 pounds -1.6 pounds Week 4 weigh-in: don't know because I was traveling Week 5 weigh-in: don't know because I was traveling Week 6 weigh-in: 141 -2.4 pounds in 3 weeks So I guess I'm just under the 1 pound a week loss for the last…
  • It's been awhile since I've checked in here. I'm traveling right now and will be until Feb 1st, so I'm away from my scales and don't know where I'm at. However, I've been doing my best with calorie tracking and going for walks in whichever city I'm in, so hopefully I'm doing OK weight-wise. I'm nervous being away from my…
  • I cut down on caffeine as well, I allow myself one coffee every week or two. I drink mostly herbal teas now when craving a hot drink, but I drink WAY more water now! I was chronically dehydrated and didn't realize it. At first my energy went down with no coffee, but when I increased water intake to 8 cups a day, my energy…
  • Well done ladies! Seems that most lost some weight, and even those that didn't are still well within the overall target of 12 lb in 12 weeks considering how much was lost in the 1st week. Remember, water retention tends to change depending where you are in the monthly cycle, so some weeks will be better than others in…
  • Week 1 weigh-in: 147.5 pounds Week 2 weigh-in: 145.0 pounds - 2.5 pounds Week 3 weigh-in: 143.4 pounds - 1.6 pounds
  • I'm 5'2.5, starting weight was 163, current weight is 144, goal is 125 so I'm about half-way. I was depressed at my heaviest. Then I read Omnivore's Dillemma by Michael Pollan and it changed my life in terms of diet. I eat whole foods now, and cook everything from scratch. You get really fast at it, it's way easier than I…
  • sleepyAshley, Wendalin and Macy, welcome!
  • Wendalin, I use, you can track your cycles on their site but they also have a really great iPad app. I think they have an app for android too if I'm not mistaken. Macy, I totally understand what you mean about the stress of temping. Although I really really like to know exactly when I ovulate, sometimes…
  • Oh, whoops! For some reason I thought weigh-in was on Wednesdays. Good thing I happened to weigh myself this morning anyway! Week 1 weigh-in: 147.5 pounds Week 2 weigh-in: 145 pounds I lost 2.5 pounds since last week. I didn't mean to lose more than a pound, it just happened. I can't say I don't enjoy seeing the scale go…
  • ... [Crickets] Hahaha. OK, so I'll talk to myself then. I'm doing well, lost a couple of pounds, and even though that's mostly due to having the flu and not really eating at all for a couple of days, I'll take it! For the last 3 days I've thought I was ovulating, but I haven't gotten a temp rise yet so I'm waiting…
  • Welcome Nicole and Ashley, glad to have you join us!
  • I also noticed that if a group has checked off "mature content" in its group settings (I think this is only visible to the group moderator or owner), it won't show up under any search results if your search is set to "safe search on". Set safe search off and some of those groups will show up again.
  • Hi everyone, I think I would be 148 today. I just weighed in at 147.5, but I've got food poisoning and have been running to the washroom since 5AM this morning (tmi) and couldn't even keep water down until an hour ago, so I'm probably quite dehydrated. I'm going with: Starting weight today: 148 pounds Goal for March 31st:…
  • WOW, not only do you look way more fit, you also look younger!
  • Happy New Year to you too ladies! I'll weigh in with you tomorrow AM for sure. New Years' Eve was a night of indulgence for me (both food and wine) so I'm afraid to see what the scales say, haha. Is anyone else going to be measuring inches as well? I'm measuring neck, waist, hips, thigh, upper arm, bust and ribcage (under…
  • Kristin, welcome! It's great to hear your plans to lose weight the healthy way. And although it may not feel like it now, you are probably healthier now than you were a year ago, because losing weight that way causes you to be seriously nutrient deficient. Congratulations on living better and moving onward and upward! Let…
  • You killed 2012! You look amazing in that dress. I wish you continued success in 2013!
  • $100 jeans, red lipstick and a wicked sexy haircut.
  • Nice to meet you Barb! You and I are very close in height and weight, so we will be good partners. :) Sorry to hear about your TTC struggles and medical mishaps, that's very frustrating for a professional to mess up on you like that. I hope everything is regulating back to normal for you. It's great to hear you're taking…
  • My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years now with no success. I'm hoping that losing some weight will help my chances. I've lost about 15 pounds so far over the last six months mostly through diet. I'm changing my weight loss strategy to include exercise, as I feel weak and tired a lot. I used to be a crazy athlete and I…