

  • I'm sort of surprised by those who are saying they think the book isn't worth a read, but that they, as it turns out, did find the concept of giving up or avoiding wheat helpful to them. I'm reading the book right now. I take everything I read with a grain of salt and intend to certainly fact-check and do some follow-up.…
  • A year ago I was 30 pounds overweight and I lost it by running. There is no way I could have done it without tight, capri running pants! I get too hot in sweat pants or full length pants of any kind, and regular, loose fitting shorts would just ride up in a wierd way when running and, depending on length, would allow my…
  • I have never been able to get the "5 lbs for each extra inch, start at 100 for 5 feet" rule of thumb formula for IBW out of my head, so in a vacuum, my goal is 145. CW is 155. Have been as low as 137 and as high as 195. It is nice to see this thread because there is a lot of commonality and everyone seems to have…
  • This thread hits close to home. I'm 5'9, 155, pretty musclar, approx. size 6-8. Some people say I don't need to lose weight when I mention I am trying to get a few off (not a lot, just looking to be 145-150, and tighten up). Then when I tell them how much I weigh, I've had people say, "oh, well, ok, I guess you could lose…