

  • I weigh myself daily just as I did before I got pregnant. I know it is not the best thing in the world to do but it helps me feel like I am at least a little bit in control of my weight gain. I know the gain is inevitable and I welcome it for the sake of my baby's health but, I also want to make sure I am not gaining too…
  • This is my first baby but I too am and will continue to struggle with weight gain. So far I have been lucky in the fact that I haven't had morning sickness, just some nausea, but I get nauseous when I don't eat. I have had to make sure I eat every 2-3 hours or I start to feel terrible. I am also hungry all the time. I will…
  • I was a runner before I got pregnant so I am continuing to do that, but at much slower pace than normal. My stamina level has definitely changed since I have become pregnant and I find it much harder to get up in the morning before work, but I still make myself do it! I also cut back on my mileage and only run 3 miles or…
  • Hello Ladies! I am 28 yrs. old and just over 8 weeks. This is my first! I too would love to get and give some support here. I lost 45 lbs. 2 years ago and put about 15 back on before finding out I was pregnant (Due Feb. 2015). I want to keep my healthy eating and exercising habits on track and am finding it much more…
  • I am the same way! I am hungry ALL the time and if I put off eating for too long, I feel nauseous. What has really helped me, is making sure that I eat every 2- 3 hours and I have to have some protein and carbs with each "small meal". I crave the carbs. So I usually have some plain greek yogurt with fresh berries and a…
  • Hi Ladies! I am 5'7, 175lbs and even before I got pregnant I weighed myself like crazy. At one point last year I had gotten down to 155 lbs. and I was ecstatic! But a lot happened in the last year and my eating habits changed and I was not eating as healthy as I should have been. I am 6w 3d today ( MY FIRST! :happy: ) and…
  • I would love to join too! I am going on a cruise with my entire family on June 2nd and I really want to lose 20 lbs. by then!!!! SW: 194 CW: 160 GW: 140