gingersimper Member


  • first of all congrats on the weight loss! that is a huge triumph!! But let me tell you the tummy tuck looks great! I always joke after I'm done having kids I'll work out hard for a few years and then its off to get the tummy tuck! /now I'm really thinking thats what im going to do! you look great!
  • keep plugging along! i know it seems slow but 1.5 lbs in a two week period is very good, think of it this way, you may be losing it slow but you are changing your lifestyle and habits along the way. In the long run the lbs you lose will stay off. My suggestion for beefing things up in the long run, add weight lifting or…
  • to answer your question. skim milk counts as fluid but not as water intake, its the same with juices and other drinks, they give your body fluid but not in sufficent amounts, in some cases the added sugar will help to actually dehydrate you. There really is no substitute for plain old water! Sorry!!! I like to add lime…