

  • I was thinking of not recording my calories on thanksgiving but I guess I really should. My Grandma just got to our house and brought an angel food cake with frosting, ugh!
    in Hi y'all! Comment by Jenls November 2007
  • What kills me is that I work out every day and it adds in the 800 calories I burn to allow me to eat not just 1200 calories but over 2000 most days. Heck NO, I'm not going to eat that, except Thanksgiving day. Guess who is making the pecan pie. :laugh:
  • I'm sure its to late to join but what is this challenge exactly?
  • I just joined a couple of days ago and I'm enjoying keeping track of my calories! I never thought I would. I've been having a bit of a midlife crisis (good thing I'm single). I quit my teaching job that I hated, broke up with my boyfriend, and moved home to help take care of my mother after she had knee replacement…
    in Hi y'all! Comment by Jenls November 2007