

  • Hi Allison, I agree--the holidays are so hard! I'm scared to death that I'll gain some of my weight back. Does your Mom know that you are trying to lose weight? I think having an accountability partner is key--maybe your Mom or Dad--so that when you want to eat something you shouldn't, you have that encouragement there.…
  • Processed sugar is anything that doesn't occur naturally. Refined sugars that we use to cook with are processed sugars. A lot of things that we consider to be "healthy" (granola bars and yogurt come to mind) have processed sugar in them.
  • When I first started MFP, I was going over on my sugars by as much as 50-75 g per day, and while my calories were in check, I wasn't losing weight. After I got my sugars down to what MFP suggested, I lost weight. I personally wouldn't drink fruit juice because of the amount of sugar usually added to those. You can eat…
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