

  • hi amen311 i havent been here for a long time sorry to hear the lyrica didnt work for u , we know alot of mine is major stress im learning and doin better with it but my lyrica does hlp altho i still have my good dayds and bad ones but with ra u should be on mutch stronger things!!!!! ive worked in a doctor office for…
  • wow the injections hadnt heard of them its the side effects i dont like i really dont like taking anything and just wish it would all stop, unless u have it its hard to undestad somtimes u cant do something i can get my house stuff done (usually) and i still work pt. im just feeling desperate to lose weight because it…
  • has any one else been on lyrica and switched to savella for the pain ???? it seems my pain is getting worse , or im just not at good at handeling my stress, im concernd bout the side effects??????
  • wow you lost 66 that is so great its nice to have others with fibro because they understand how hard it is to excersise my husband doesnt allways some days are good and some arent!! i work in the medical field so i walk and stand allday at work does it really get easier ? to do the excersis? its just after working and…
  • well im not gona go to therapist ,i hate having fibromyalgia!!!!!! my arms get tired just folding clothes or to read a magazine. when i get mad about it i over eat
  • lol i would but ...... hes just not supporative he thinks he is but wont try new food or if i make a new diet meal if he dont like it he just snaks.. and sometimes i give in
    in I'm new! Comment by star1965 August 2010
  • hello this is really hard to do when your husband doesnt really help does anyone else eat because ther upset ? or get bored? or dont want to fallasleep so if u eat you can stay awake! or am i just strange?
    in I'm new! Comment by star1965 August 2010