YankeeScrapperGirl Member


  • Congrats! You are doing an amazing thing for yourself and you are an inspiration to me!! It won't be long before you are all the way there :)
  • You look fantastic! And I love your attitude :smile: Keep up the good work!
  • Don't worry about all the questions :) Feel free to friend me if you want more info - I could go on all day. Basically, the cleanse consists of eliminating all processed foods, caffiene, alcohol, sugar, dairy, wheat, etc. Pretty much you eat as much as you want, but it can only be fruits, veggies, lean organic meats and…
  • Everyone's body is different - I personally have found that sugar is a major problem for me as well as dairy. Even if I severely limit the amount of dairy I take in, I will not lose any weight - I cannot have any at all if I want to lose weight. But everyone is different and you have to learn what works for you and find…
  • I have not exactly tracked it (because the purpose was not to lose weight, but to get healthier and elimitane some medical problems) but I do know that I did not gain weight shortly thereafter - I even continued to lose a little. But after several months of slowly adding back all the foods I shouldn't be eating, I did gain…
  • Sorry for the confusion - this was meant as a response to a question about cleanses and food triggers - NOT juicing. The bottom line for me is to always consult a doctor before doing anything if you truly want to get healthy instead of just losing a few ounds quickly. "Everyone's body is different - I personally have found…
  • I have had great success with cleanses but I you should ONLY do it under a doctor's care - I am skeptical about the safety of doing it on your own. Every year, I do a 30 day cleanse program with my chiropractor's office in a group and I lose at least 15 lbs each time. More importantly than the weight loss, it helps you…