

  • Its alot of fun. I was intimidated by it at first but most of the classes I went to are all women. I started in the back and the instructors would help you out. Check out a local YMCA. Thats where I took my classes and people were of all ages and shapes. We had an excellent time.
    in Zumba? Comment by pscullari April 2011
  • Those are awesome. You could probably sell them at consignment stores for children's clothing. (Side business).
    in Hobbies Comment by pscullari April 2011
  • I love to scrapbook and read. It helps to clear my mind. Other than that not too much free time.
    in Hobbies Comment by pscullari April 2011
  • Welcome to mfp. I love this app on my phone as well. I also love this site because it now makes me more accountable with what I am eating. Before I would eat and not worry now that I have to put it in to writing it makes me think twice. I have struggled with weight loss all my life. As a child my parents never set…
  • Thats awesome. All the hard work has paid off. Im just starting out so hopefully in a few months I will be able to post before and after pick. You look so much happier.
  • I think that water does not have any taste and therefore hated it. I put lemon or lime juice in the water. Just enough to add some taste and it is great. I use the concentrated that you buy in the store. I tried the crystal light but some of them are so sweet it was worse than water. Hope this helps.