LovinHISWORD Member


  • Kiwi2mfp What is a maintenence Day?
  • Nottawa Michigan here. Not sure where you're at. But this I'm certain. You're cold right now!
  • It's a journey. We're on it together, learn with us!
  • Hi just wanted to introduce a web site to you, 86lemons.com - it's my daughters site, she has recipes on there for vegan and gluten free foods. Check it out.
  • well I think we all need an attitude adjustment occasionally, especially when that scales can be so doggone uncooperative. If you need someone to be accountable, message me, and we can do this together. Because, to tell you the truth, my attitude needs some help too
  • 1628019_4684_thumb stauffish I"m There. 57, menopause is over, left with no waist and much belly!!!! Fibromyalgia doesn't help the exercise part, but trusting God to help me get in shape. I know that's HIS desire. God tells us His mercy is new EVERYDAY. Especially mondays!!! :) Yet I call this to mind, and therefore I have…
  • I get you completely. I am having trouble too. But you know, God is there everyday to help us. His mercy is new everyday the Bible says. So today, lets get a grip, and do this thing!
  • God has put that on my heart too. I lead worship at our church and I tell people all the time they can be free. Am I speaking to myself too? I can, and SHOULD be free from the extra baggage that I carry around, physically and spiritually. I have 45 lbs to lose. I am 57 years old, and want to be in good health as I grow…
  • You can lose fast at first, but from what I understand you lose a lot of muscle when you lose fast and then when you stop losing it you gain twice as fast because muscle burns fat, and you've lost so much muscle. Much better to be a turtle in this race........
  • we all get un-motivated at times, but it's got to be a lifetime thing, not a 3 or 6 months thing.. I lose weight very gradual, but I usually gain very gradual too, and I think if you lose fast, you're apt to gain fast.. Whats the big hurry. Enjoy each day, enjoy your food and just enjoy the journey you're on.
  • wow, too much fiber...never considered that. I always buy high fiber everything. You know the stomach problems I ahve had, but I don't have diarrhea or gas or blockages..so I don't think it's the case with me. BUT very interesting. Something to think about. Again, the saying holds true that everything should be in…