I actually use two different sites to help with my process. Besides MFP, I also use Sparkpeople. Each site helps me in different ways. I like MFP because of the huge food database. I guess it depends on what you are looking for.
Awesome! Way to go! Keep it up! I did the same thing back in January and the weight started disappearing as well. And it was hard at first to stay away from it since I work for Pepsi and was around it everyday. But I just started drinking water when I got thirsty and have never looked back.
Great Job! Keep up the great work!
I know after the first couple of weeks I felt like that but I realize quitting is not an option that I wanted to take. I stuck with it and with the support I've been getting from friends & family have been a blessing. Plus getting compliments from everyone I know about how I look now makes me what to stick with it even…