kiss up!
good! i eat one every day. they are packed with fiber, so you feel satisfied for about 1-2h after having them. a 7-8" banana has about 110 calories in it. more filling than those 100 calorie snack packs and more nutritious - think of all the potassium!
you need some protein
- i did this yesterday, totally sore today!
i am all about trail mix right now! the only thing that sucks is you only get a handful or two as a serving, but it does tide me over for 2 hours once it settles.
i would just count it to be safe. the alcohol will burn away, but ethanol is not the source of calories.... all the sugars are, and they do not burn off.
in high school my girlfriends and i used to go to a pizza place and each order a large pizza.... granted i was in much better shape then, dancing 3-4 hours every night.
i really like for recipes! she gives you all the nutritional info and most of the recipes are already logged into MFP's calorie counter. This weekend I made loaded baked potato soup with bacon and cheese in 30 minutes... 200calories per cup! it was a little small, so i had 1.5cups, but after that i was…
OMG Shaun T was my dance teacher in 2000! Not even joking, small town New Jersey! I can tell you he is in amazing physical shape. I would do this, but I am actually afraid of how hard it could be!
two cups of lettuce has 11 calories, so i don't think it has that big of an impact on your daily totals!:smile: