

  • i think it sounds like a really good idea. maybe a piece of dark choc cut up instead of the m&m's, but all in all i think it sound great. i'm going to try it next time i'm craving ice cream. i never hit all my calories anyways.
  • i am in love with this community! u are all so encouraging and it's nice to hear "u can do it" from ppl that are actually going thru it to instead of ppl that have no clue what it's like to be overweight and unhappy with yourself. thank u everyone
  • i feel really bad. i got a couple of friend requests and i accidently declined them. if u friend requested me could u please resend it. i would love to add u and have some new friends through this
  • thank u so much for the motivation. i need it so please keep it comming. i'm doing the south beach diet and as of right now i have had less than 500 calories. it almost feels like i'm starving myself, but i know i can do it and will be much happier in the end.
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