

  • Oh my gosh! I just got done with logging my food for yesterday and had a few too many Coors Lights for happy hour yeserday, and then went home and ate 2 brats!!! So I feel your pain! I love beer too, and then I love snacking afterwards and that's not good! I wrote myself a note that if I want to lose this weight, I have to…
  • I would love to join! I'm a big lover of Holloween, so that would be a great date to hit a goal! I weighed in this morning at 181.2 and I'll shoot for a 10 pound loss by then! :)
  • Hi there! I would love to be buddies! I just started this site about a week ago myself. I've never been this heavy in my life and feel very uncomfortable in my skin these days. I weighed myself on my scale when I first started this and it said 182, then over this weekend, I was at a friends house and her scale weighed me…
  • Thanks for the words of encouragment! I just joined this site last week and it's truly amazing how supportive everyone is!! It's really nice to be able to go through this with others who are in your shoes.....thanks again, you made me feel great!! :)
  • Hi Ladies. I joined last Monday Aug. 9th and didn't do very well. In fact, I think I gained! YIKES! I could really use some help and support too! But also want to motivate others as well. Looking forward to chatting with you! :)