SMoRZ3 Member


  • Haha, an Ultra is anything over a marathon distance, usually starting at a 50k (31mi). I'm not a very fast runner, but I enjoy it. I'm also stubborn and don't quit! haha Whatever you do, if you think you want to keep running and go on to bigger and better things, dont stop training after this race. Thats the lesson I…
  • I run with an 18 oz hand held water bottle. It comes with a pouch that can hold about 2 GU packs. GU Gels are interesting to get used to. I've found they go down easier once you're running, I would say whatever you think you want to do during the race, PRACTICE it on your training runs. Don't try anything new on race day,…
  • I run a 7mi trail loop at least once a week a little over an hour and I get just over 1000 calories burned. This is according to my Garmin 405 watch. You can see my stats here. Haven't put on the HR Monitor yet, its still too cold to want a wet strap tied around me! haha
  • For all you beginner runners, try talking/singing out loud while you run. I find a lot of newbie runners have a hard time running because they are running at a pace to fast for their conditioning. If you can talk/sing while running, you're running at a slow enough speed that you should be able to keep that pace for a long…
  • I'm husky, or at least thats what my pants say! ;)