touchmytoes81 Member


  • I'm Canadian, what the heck is the Canadian diet? Never heard of it!
  • For Cardio (Beginner): I just finished this video. I didn't have a lot of calories for dinner so I tried it out. Good recommendation. I've been doing the Biggest Loser videos and I never feel quite right. They don't explain proper positions or posture to a level I feel ok with. This one…
  • @2020pinktogo our town allows the public most days other than hockey and set up days to walk the "indoor walking track" which is actually the events centre (an oil company built us a tiny stadium/hockey rink/small crappy Northern oil town) Walmart is a great idea for when it is closed or the mall. @75in17 The only money I…
  • This, exactly this! I'm so clumsy and overweight right now that I'm afraid of winter. I fall on the ice a lot and desperately need new boots or something. I get bored of the walking track REALLY quickly and we can't afford the pool at 7.50 each plus lockers each visit. I have taken a chance this year and put my car on…
  • I'm fatgirllittlecoat :) This is my first challenge I'm excited.