

  • I will be starting this tomorrow, Feb 24th. (Easier for me to keep track when starting at beginning of the week) Best of luck everyone!
  • I will be starting this tomorrow, Feb 24th. Best of luck everyone!
  • I "heavy lift" at home if I can't make it to the gym. I also have the advantage of having lots of vehicle parts around. You can lift anything in your home you can find, just make sure you lift it properly. That is key. A free weight home gym would be your best bet though.
  • My name's Jessee and I'm 23. Looking to get healthy and go into the military, but with my weight as it is, it's holding me back. I'm going to do the push ups and crunch challenges (why not have some extra challenge haha) Best of luck everyone!
  • I lost my father 3 days after Christmas in 2010 from a massive heart attack. I was 20. I'm sorry for your loss. It is extremely difficult to lose a loved one. I think about my father everyday. Chin up and stay positive
  • 23. Just (re)signed up. Feel free to add!