hesgro2 Member


  • Any fluid can really count. There are numerous studies out there to support that your body needs fluid for hydration, and that your body is well equipped to extract the necessary amounts from the foods and beverages you already consume. I've included a good article from Scientific American, but there are also a ton of…
  • Dashing Dish also has some great protein shake recipes. http://dashingdish.com/recipe/dashing-dish-official-protein-shake/
  • My husband just recently converted my HP Touchpad to Android's Ice Cream Sandwich, and it's awesome. It actually dual boots, so you can still boot into the regular OS (if you want to).
  • Haha, love it! Some other science nerd pick ups... You're like an exothermic reaction, you spread your hotness everywhere. Baby, I’ll treat you like my homework — I’ll slam you on the table and do you all night long!
  • In addition to avoiding the fried "tempura" rolls, you should also try to avoid sushi rolls that have cream cheese, both types can have high calories, fats, etc.
  • Hi, your diary is not open so I can't see how many calories you're currently consuming. If you are only eating 1,200 calories and working out so frequently (and burning so many calories) your body is not really getting the fuel it needs. You have to keep in mind net calories, so consumed calories - burned calories. I'm…
  • If you look at the article closely and at other articles, you will see that diet soda does not in itself present that much risk. The problem in individuals with metabolic disorders such as diabetes is usually associated with overall diet. In a study, they found that individuals who did not drink diet soda and had a…
  • I do the same thing. I eat Fage 2% plain yogurt and I add a tablespoon or so or Polaner's Fruit with Fiber - Sugar Free Strawberry Preserves. The Fage has 8g carbs (all from sugar) and the strawberry preserves have 5g carb with 3g fiber, so net carbs are 2g. The sugar in the preserves is <1g, as it is sweetened with…
  • Love him as Sherlock Holmes!
  • You can add strength training under cardiovascular too. That's what I usually do - I log it twice. Just be prepared because strength training really does not burn that many calories, and MFP can sometimes be over-generous with its values.
  • ^^ This!! Definitely worth the price!
  • I like Fage the best. The plain yogurt is great to add to different recipes and the split cup - the one with the fruit on the side is super yummy!
  • Lisa, I am not a nutritionist or a dietician, but my understanding is that your BMR is basically what you need just to wake up every morning and keep your body functioning throughout the day - with no added exercise, etc. So, based on what you have calculated 1,324 calories is what you need just to keep your body going. If…
  • I thought I would share the following webpage with you - http://www.dashingdish.com/2010/03/i-cant-believe-its-not-a-milkshake/. Someone posted this in the recipes section a month or so ago and I have to say that protein shakes have never been so good! :) There are tons of different options to mix in with your regular…
  • Ditto! Love it!! :) I also like their hot chocolates. And the Twining teas are good, especially the Earl Grey and the Rooibos (if you like tea).
  • P!nk, I've think she has an amazing (and athletic) body. I don't know how to attach pictures, so I just included a link to my "inspirational" photo.…
  • Love Love Love Eureka and WH13! It's really sucks that this is going to be Eureka's last season. :cry: The cliffhanger at the end of the most recent season of WH13 has been making me crazy!!! It should be starting back up this summer. If you don't want to wait on Netflix, you can also watch past episodes on syfy.com...or I…
  • They showed this trailer at the midnight showing of Hunger Games. I was more excited about it than I was the movie!! :laugh: Can't wait until June!!!
  • Reeds1108, we're pretty close too. Age: 28 SW: 170ish CW: 160 GW: 125 (though I'd be happy with a toned 130!) Frame size: medium
  • I actually just finished the first book yesterday. It was a really creative, or imaginative story, but I wasn't crazy about the love triangle. I decided to keep reading, so I'm about half way through the second one now. The series is definitely entertaining. I'm also going to see the movie tomorrow with friends at midnight…
  • I also LOVE the Light Vanilla Soy Milk, either by Silk or by 8th Continent. 8th Continent also has a Light Chocolate which is wonderful! I love to use them with flavored protein powder (my brother-in-law makes it in flavors like Marble Cake and Cotton Candy) or for smoothies.
  • The original series was "campy horror" but it ran for an ungodly number of episodes (from 1966 into the '70s). I actually started watching it over the Christmas break. It's not bad, it's got a little bit of everything, but it won't draw you in as much as newer shows (e.g. Supernatural) because the video quality is…
  • He's not only an "axe ninja," he's got an axe shotgun, which is muuuuch cooler. Lol.
  • These are not ranked in any particular order, I love all books equally. :) The Dresden series - Jim Butcher Any of the Agent Pendergast novels - Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child (personal favorites were Relic, the Cabinet of Curiosities, Still Life With Crows, Brimstone, and Cold Vengeance, but really any of their novels…
  • Oh my god, you just made my day!!! I have to say, it's about time! Everybody needs a little more Kenshin in their lives! :) And the movie looks awesome!
  • Real Name: Heather Age: 28 Height: 5'5 HW: 170 CW: 163 GW: 125 - 130 Location: Peckville, PA (outside Scranton) Married: celebrating our 5 yr. anniversary this year - which is one of the reasons I want to get back to my previous weight. Children: No, but two cats and a dog, which keep us running around. :) Diet Plan: a…
    in Welcome!!! Comment by hesgro2 March 2012
  • Same for me. I would never be able to give up ice cream for the long haul.
  • How many sets do you recommend at the max weight?