Feeling much better I went to the gym and worked out and then hit the pool for some laps.. My wine hang over is gone.. drinking lots of water helped that. now to focus on a healthy dinner which will include NO WINE! Thanks everyone for all the positive comments! you would not believe how much they helped! thanks so much!
I love pop corn, but the mini bag just does not do it for me.. not enough.. :) but it's a better snack them lots of other things.. if you leave off the butter..
I know what it was and I knew I was going to have a drink of wine way before I even took it.. I guess I just talked myself right into it..
Thanks everyone. I thought if I posted I would just get a lot of people telling me to go to AA and that is a whole other issue. But you actually helped me feel better about my mistakes. It makes me feel good knowing I am not alone. and it's nice to talk to other people that know just how I feel. Thank you all very much.
I like!!!!
Thank you everyone.. Now today I feel bad and I'm hungry and not feeling to good about myself.. so one blown day turns into two.. it's a vicious circle.
no I have not tried AA.. my town is so small and I know so many people. I know I should and have thought about it and just always give up.. I try not to keep bad foods in my house. I had some cookies in the freezer for my niece's party this weekend.. got into them.. along with much more.. pop corn is healthy to a point,…