

  • Hi there I am with you all I am 5'10 and am at 225. I have only lost 6 pounds so I am just getting back in the groove. 2 yrs ago I had my first child and gained 60 pounds and about a yr ago I had got back down to my goal weight at 190. I started to relax on my eating and working out so I am back up to were I don't want to…
  • what is the 30 day shed program?
  • Awesome job. Dont you love it when you can see the progesse and all the hard work you have put into it is starting to pay off. Keep up the good work. Hopefully I can join you on that marker soon. :)
  • Hi Friends, I am in I started a September challenge with some of my other friends and I quite after three weeks so now after gaining my weight I had lost back plus three more I am mad at myself and how weak I am so I am going to give it a go. I am starting a little late but better late them never right. Location: Utah…
  • It would help me so much to goin this group! I have my first child who is 2 yrs old and my life since I am a stay at home wife. My life revolves around him almost every second of the day. My husband has an awesome job that is located in our town actually only 4 blocks from our house. But if they get work out of town they…