RobinsEgg Member


  • @Karen - I'm so sorry to hear your dear friend has passed. That pancreatic ca has become a national nightmare.It is so rapid. I recall it was not long ago that you mentioned she was diagnosed. As @Barb said, I am so sorry for her DH and children and will pray along with your for her family. @Laurie - am I relieved for you…
  • @GOINSTD12 asked for help or advice - she stated: How do I get him to open up about this stuff? He seems obsessed with installing security cameras (which is funny because we can't even lock our front door!) and keeps buying more and more stuff (most of which I hate) instead of saving his money. And it is HIS money as far…
  • @Goinstd - Tracy - I feel so hearsick for you my dear, what a rough time. Honey, you much consider, one hard concept, and ask your husbands doctor this, what is his mental capacity as far as his handling your money and finances; You may need to hurry and get an attorney and stop his spending your money ASAP. Nuff said.…
  • @Laurie = continued prayers ..... let us know when you can, of course, how you and your mother are faring. @cooking for one - I'm also in that boat and it is doable - just keep trying and don't get ahead of yourself buying supplies. Funny as I was reading Kah reply I was eating my salad, a caesar with sliced chicken…
  • @Laurie - my heart goes out to you for your great loss! Losing my father tore me apart - tears spring to my eyes now. {{{{{{{ big hugs Laurie }}}}}}}}} my dad is always around me now - we were and always are close - when I need advise I pray to him, and I get my answer in good time. :'( That is a beautiful arrangement from…
  • How does 1 day turn into 2 and 2 into 4 and 4 into 8? I just don't get it! I've been spending every other day down at ther Masonic Home south of here with my step-mother. She's recovering from pneumonia. 2 days in the hospital and now on antibiotics and thats it. She sure it tough My step-sister is with her the other day.…
  • @Zoe - really, you've got it right, for what we want the Challenges to do for each individual. As there are no rewards other than personal growth! Kudos! <3 So, If you so as stated on a daily basis for a month you will have an excellent record to compare against for now and for the future, since this discussion is never…
  • @zoe thats a complete contradiction - you said you'd never eat yogurt again - I'm confused. But, I give up, you often seem to conradict people.
  • FEBRUARY PROTEIN CHALLENGE SET YOUR GOALS RECORD DAILY All who post here are hereby notified of the February Challenge. There are no right or wrong ways to do this. Simply decide for yourself how you want to improve your Protein Intake and post your intent here. Then keep track of your protein using MFP or whatever device…
  • @Laurie - many prayers for the 3 most important men in your life tonight. I've been praying for your dad for a long time. I'm sorry to hear things have changed this week. I'm learning that just having too much stress can cause that for me, cause my arthritic problems to really act up, and my classes are teaching me to…
  • @Kaye - sorry the weather caused you to miss the girls wedding. I know how attached you are to your extended relatives and you woud have had a chance to see so many there. Winters just frustrate me as far as travelling by car any where. I usually just won't go too far from home any more. @Niki = you found a fun chart -…
  • @Karen (Skinny) its a consensus on the Protein Challenge for February. !!! Are you thinking this would be PERSONAL CHALLENGE where each person sets what they want to do for themselces for the 28 days and record it? We could say the winners are thr ones who both meet their goals and do a perfect 28 day recording of their…
  • @Laurie - a 2 inch loss in the waist - that is phenominal - congratulations, lady <3 wow!!!!! WOOW!!! Still having a slooow time typing - obvioiusly need to take this in for an overhaul. So many comments, not enough time! Welcome to the newbies - your joining is reason to celebrate your wise decision - don't worry about…
  • @Puttygirl - - the first half of your job as you tell sounds great but when yu get to the ccrawling and scooting you leave me in the dust - I am in awe. Ican the fit bit or a step counter count yuor step and can you calculate the rest in one say, hour, and then multiply it yourself and work it our here on MFP? There should…
  • @Niki - were you a pathologist in a former life because your dissection of your bread is so very detailed I love reading about it. You bring succcch interest with your details. What did the pastors bread look like? I'm suspicious of his starter dough, thinking its the fault and not what your're doing, but honestly, I…
  • Yep Zoe that's fair to middlin' and partly cloudy.... @Laurie - are you sore or are those rock climbing muscles paying off there? Anyway girl, I found you a snow angel to help you! :
  • @Skinny - I forget how muscular you are, having transformed yourself into a top flight runner (20K) and thanks for your excellent explanation. I do feel bad that I'm still not at this point of knowledge, but its good for others besides me to hear :blush: I just YouTubed that FOX song - its cute, isn't it? I can see where…
  • @Karen - I see what your doiing - I did look all thru you post and saw you were 6/7 all the time. Its the part where you say "If I burn a bunch of calories working out, I can eat more." and I thought that was more for maintenance. Now, if you were to burn those calories and not eat more, what would happen? Re that ornament…
  • @jt - Oh dear - sorry HHC did not work out for you - working with your dad as a putty girl sounds like you could make it a fun job, but wear a mask, dear, or you'll have breathing issues in 10 years....and one tip - at 1:45pm - eat a big dose of straight protein ....that has helped me a lot. I have been eating (and I know…
  • Hi everyone! @Niki - so happy for you that your son and SIL are doing OK after their respective surgeries .....such a tension filled time.. BTW.....I must commend for your many sage comments made here recently. I'm not sure what you've done, but you've opened up my eyes certainly on many an occasion with your wisdom and…
  • @Laurie - advice from me -As soon as you said poet I remembered a fellow that we started writing haiku back and forth to each other and he was also an excellent companion for going to art museums as well. Don't find guys like that often. But compliments? The only thing he complimented me on was the length of my ear lobes!…
  • @TallGlassOfQuirky -CoryIda - wow - so great to see you - want to give you great hugs!!!! so happy to hear of your continued success -Changing your name is a great idea after you held that weight off as you ARE a new person and to see you maintain that weight by staying on MFP and using more appropriate SUPPORT discussions…
  • Hey, there everyone! Haven't seen you in about 2 weeks and a few days and I do apologize for not sending word - but that I can blame on my sister. She was Supposed to have called Lori - CBlue - to tell y'all what's up. It was a recurring health issue. It hit me hard, so hard the doctor sent me right from his office.…
  • Excuse me but there's 20 posts to read and comment on and I don't know what time amount I have at the moment so I'm gonna talk about my progress and surprise today. I went to the rheumatologist to get my Prolia shot (Builds bones) and got weighed and I was down 11 pounds which blew me away! This was with clothes and shoes.…
  • @x3beckaboo -welcome - if you really want support you need to come back daily and post your own situation so you get to know us. @Kah-kelley - did you get much of the storms? it was hard to follow the coverage - it seemed so bad everywhere all at once and now I worry for all the great cities along the Mississippi! :'(…
  • Seems like its been an up-and-down year for many of us....Kaye, and of course, and I think Holly had to suffer the most devestating blow of all. Glad to see we are bolstering each other along. @Holly - I didn't mention that I was rather proud to see you quit that job. Now has been tough, and if they are not sensitive to…
  • @Newbies welcome to each and every one of you - I read so fast I missed your names but I'm so proud your on the bandwagon! @BohemianCoast - ALLISON - WOOT - always happy when you come around ! sorry if you've had some rough weather Oh Dear! Glad both children are doing well in school if I understood correctly ! Keep…
  • Just thinking ahead toward the new year. This was copied in whole from the site, Before I paste it, I am proposing, for the New Year, that we all consider, The Ulysses Contract. A Ulysses pact or Ulysses contract is a freely made decision that is designed and intended to bind oneself in the future.…
  • @Skinny - that is the best and most amazing Christmas miracle story I have heard in quite a few years. Karen - I don't know how you must really feel about it yet - you knpw, like, will this gentleman catch on, or will there be a happy ending? After hearing all these years about her treachery and spitefullness, to hear…
  • Well ladies - regarding the bath mats I'm enjoying walking on them so much I want to carpet my kitchen with them! And these were NOT the super plush ones I've seen. I looked for 100% cotton so I can wash them , and bought 2 matching as they get set up in a T pattern when I shower - there's carpeting I need to protect and I…