Jonbev Member


  • I did P90X earlier this year and I'm totally hooked on BeachBody programs. I've now got Insanity, The Asylum and P90X2. There is a very active group on Facebook for any of you that are in the UK
  • There are a whole bunch of us on Facebook starting X2 on 2nd Jan if you want to join us. The group is and we have an event set up to talk specifically about X2 - there are 17 of us so far, the more the merrier. Jon
  • Hi Jo. You should be fine with those. As you progress you will know when you need to increase them (especially if you are writing your reps down on the worksheets, which I would recommend doing) If you want some buddies to talk to about P90X there is a very active group over on Facebook that I am a member of (…