wildwest140 Member


  • Hi Brittany, Good for you for getting back into being a healthy you!! My name is Judi, and I am on this journey to becoming healthier as a 64 & 1/2 year old. Just remember that it is progress, not perfection. Just keep at it; eating healthy and doing some sort of exercise at least 5 days a week and you WILL see the results…
  • Is that the thing that's like a juicer? I think I've seen it advertised on T.V. Do you still like it? How is it holding up?
  • Good for you!! Getting started is the first step. You are on the path to healthier living because you've gotten started and you sound very committed. Just keep at it and you will achieve your goal. I am now involved with a group to hold each other accountable. Every day I do my best to eat healthy with 50% vegetables, 25%…
  • Good for you!!! You are a lovely young lady who deserves to be your very best. Yes, let the journey begin!! I've just begun again, myself. In the past 10 years I've gained 45 lbs. & in the past year I've gained 15 of that. I am also determined to stick with it to become healthier. I am thankful for the fitnesspal that…