

  • Great job! I am training right now for my first triathlon as well! It is a sprint tri - 1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, and 5k run. I am terrified and know that my time will be slow. My goal is to FINISH! I loved your story. It keeps me motivated knowing other newbies are out there. Did you do any protein shots, bars, etc…
  • My daughter is seven and very invoved in dance. As a "dance mom" on the sidelines, you get to know other moms too. At a conference, we were all talking and one mom told us that she had signed up for a sprint triathlon (1/2 mile swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run) and said we should join her. I looked at her and knew that if she…
  • Try a new routine! What is your exercise routine look like? Try intervals. Running 4 minutes, walking 1 minutes, incline (up to 10) for 4 minutes then walking 1 minutes. Repeat that cycle three times with a 3 minutes warm-up and cool-down. Just try something new to wake the body/metabolism up. I don't know about you but I…
    in HELP ! Comment by prplldybg April 2011
  • I have noticed too that even when I lose weight, new clothes are the same size as the clothes I wore before. I agree with total frustration. HOwever, someone pointed out to me that the old clothes get worn and stretched out with the old body. Therefore, they stretch to a bigger size even though the tag says the original…