

  • Way to go!!!! That is awesome! I am having people notice too......It is a weird feeling because they say that I look so skinny but I know that I still need to lose more weight. I have lost 35 pounds but need to lose another 35. I am trying to enjoy the journey and am glad I am not 35 pounds heavier. Keep up the good work,…
  • When you exercise, do you try to eat the extra exercise calories or do you stay to the recommended daily calorie intake? I have been exercising but am worried about eating the extra calories....I want to lose weight, not stay the same or gain weight by eating the recommended 2200 calories...even though I burned 500-700…
  • Thanks so much for the ideas and information. I am going to look into getting a HRM. I think that will help with my running also. I guess I was afraid that I wouldn't lose weight eating that many calories but what you all said, made a lot of sense. Thanks again!
  • I really like the Jello Sugar-free Pudding snacks. They have yummy chocolate ones and the mousse ones are really good. (my favorite is the Chocolate Mint Mousse) They are only 60 calories! I feel like I am having a treat without the sugar and the calories. Then, I don't want to eat the "bad" sugar stuff. The Jello…