LJSpencer Member


  • I have the same problem...I notice when I eat a huge breakfast, smaller lunch and evan smaller dinner...I do alot better during the day! I also try and eat an early dinner. My husband is italian and he makes alot of italian meals...he is trying to gain weight! The more fresh food you eat the more you can eat!
  • everyday! morning and at night! If I don't and I spurge one day...I need to see if I have gained any so I can work harder the rest of the week!
  • Special K yogurt and berries is really good! This morning I had a piece of toast with peanut butter and a yogurt and a cup of coffee! I have 3 kids I need cheap and easy as well! There is also a omelet in a bag recipe on prevention.com website if you work! Can't wait to see what people reply! I could use the help too!
  • That is a good idea! I should plan my whole day in the morning! I will try that! Thanks:happy: :happy:
  • New Texan...need help with calorie counting! I usually do ok...but some days I realize how much I have eaten and I'm blown away as to how much I consumed! Anyone have any easy ways of counting?