

  • You look fantastic. Great job!!!
  • Miracle suits are amazing bathing suits. I have a large chest and they are the best I have ever purchased. In addition they cut off about 5 pounds. Seriously they are a miracle!!! They are on the pricey side and I always get them in July when they go on sale. Macy's, Lord and Taylor and Nordstrom carries them.
  • Congrats, you look beautiful. I'm getting married in 2.5 months. I'm super excited and hoping I lose a bunch of weight to look good!
  • I have a really hard time too. I feel like I've tried everything. I usually skip the treadmill and hit the elliptical instead. I used to just stick to intervals on the treadmill and it didn't hurt as much. Good luck
  • I like hearing this because I am ALWAYS uncomfortable in the weight section of my gym. There are so many guys in the weight area and very few girls. Plus most of the guys at my gym are huge body builders types who basically hover over the equipment and socialize. Makes things even more uncomfortable.