PSantos1 Member


  • Hell yes! Been using my weight lifting gloves since week 2. they are a huge help! As a report, I have broken my 190lb. plateau and I'm down around 185. My body is taking on a different shape. On to my week 4 tomorrow.
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • So due to a hectic weekend where I worked almost 24 hours worth of waiting tables, I missed two days of P90X. I missed Yoga and Legs. Today is scheduled to be kenpo. Should I continue with Kenpo today or do legs, using my rest day this week to catch up?
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Thanks for the advice folks!! I now have all of the equipment I need for P90X, short of a Yoga block. I'm about to start week 2. Upping my resistance and weights and attempting the pull up bar as much as I can. Gravity loves to hold on tight to my 189 lb. self! Let's do this!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Just did the Kenpo X workout. Not nearly as difficult as I imagined it might be. Maybe because I've done kickboxing type classes for many years? Hopefully after I get a HRM I'll be able to better gauge how i'm doing. Definitely broke a good sweat!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Even though I only did half hour, my legs def felt better. The stretch really helped. I'll definitely give it a shot next week. On to legs today!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Day 4 today, Yoga X. I quit after 30 min. Although the stretch for the legs was very welcome as I was incredibly sore from the first 3 days, the workout was just too repetitive. Is it just me? Should I try again? Is it worth fighting through? Advice needed!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Day 3, donzo! :smile:
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • THANKS! Just did day 2. legs are on fire!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Day 2 Plyometrics. HERE WE GO!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • yep, can't wait to attempt going to train bjj tomorrow #useless btw, what do you guys input for your workout? ie, calories/minutes or name of exercise
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Ok, just did my first session of p90x. Chest and back, plus the Ab Ripper X. I can't move my arms, and it's only been 10 min. since i finished. That was pretty amazing. Also, it was totally manageable!!! let's see how this works out.
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • I'm literally staring at the video right now. I'm about to do the first one. Wish me luck!
    in P90x! Comment by PSantos1 May 2012
  • Been addicted to BJJ for almost 4 years. One of my motivating factors for using myfitnesspal was so that I can compete in a lighter weight class.
    in BJJ Comment by PSantos1 February 2012
  • Were you a coffee drinker before you started? Or did you drink things with caffeine? The lack of which can cause headaches, like a detox. It could also be made worse if you're not getting enough electrolytes.