

  • Corfu? That's not too far from where I live...a nice 30 minute drive...Darien Lake! haha one of my fav places in the summertime :)
  • So I'm here @ work :yawn: :yawn: and there's not much work to here I am!!! I decided I REALLY need to get a few pics on sucks...right now my internet is not working @ my house...I do all my MFPing @ work...where I cannot upload a's annoying not to have a pic up! So is everyone…
  • Well guys....I lost my first 10 lbs! I did it in 2 weeks....4 lbs my first week and 6 lbs my second. It is a good feeling....even though I know because I'm so big it is mainly water weight, etc. So Monday is my next weigh in...I know I didn't do all that great because I over-celebrated St Patrick's Day (What? I'm irish and…
  • thanks for all the support guys!!!!!!
  • Hello all.... I'm back after more than 6 months of being gone! I have gained 40 lbs and I'm very unhappy with myself. I have a new profile and am more than ready to start this again! I have a weight loss goal of almost 160 lbs so I really have to hustle and work my hardest! Words of encouragment are always welcome :) I…
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