No !!
HAHAHAHA .. Im in pain from laughing at that so much .. lol
I exercised more , but only lasted for a few week then leveled off again .. Interested to hear what people say ..
2 mins for me .. I do these
I run a 10k about 3 times a week and only started back running in march .. You need to build up your running distance slowly , start off at a slow pace and work at it from there .. Having the correct footwear for you foot will help a lot to prevent injury , and doing some great stretches before and after ,here are some…
Exercise .. and your good to go , the exercise even suppresses the hunger ..
I would say if your not used to exercise its just muscular .. It needs rest and you'll be fine again or with rest and continue it will become stronger and leass pain. I had a simular problem with running when i started back and it was down to the wrong shoes weak muscle. You can try stretching it out more after your…
I have an aunt with that problem and she has hot water with honey ..
Thanks a lot everyone for all your tips and advise , really appreciate it .. I'll stick to my 10k's for training and add a long run in at the weekends and check out some of the other forums .. Thanks again everyone ;-)
24 min was my latest ;-)
Exercise to balance the calories ;-)
I started my diet back in Feb it wasn't till i started to push the exercise that i saw tone, and inches falling off , Sometimes with diets alone your body can burn muscle tissue and not a good look.. So for me a nice 10k run burns 800 cals roughly and only last 45 - 50 mins , hunger lasts all day , Different strokes for…
Cash bar , open bar is no valued for the cost of it by people .. Congrats and have a great day
I kept my calories between 1600 and 1900 daily for a month and was doing roughly 900 cal exercise 5 sometimes 6 days a week and lost no weight for a month .. took a break for 5 days , went to bbq ate regularly with no exercise and weighing scales said today i dropped 1 lb .. Has me believing in starvation mode .
I do about 5 minutes before and after a run .. Maybe have a look here for ideas
NOT A HOPE.. I'd die
3 things to look at the helped me , Make sure you have the correct running shoes for your foot.. you can research that online , try build some muscle in your legs to strengthen muscles and maybe try running form like Chi Running .. hope it helps , good luck
I don't think its your trainers as if you walked to work in those i'd say it would be the same .. Im having simular problems and started strength training in my legs to build up muscle (Kettleworx resistance) and it seams to be helping a lot along with good stretching before and after runs .. Maybe worth trying ?
Haven't tried this yet but im gona in the next week or 2
Not a great fan of water either so i use MIwadi ... great and very low cals .
Sligo ;-)
As your fitness increases you'll begin to enjoy it more.. You'll go out one day and it will feel like this is no sweat and you've grown a new set of lungs and you'll enjoy it .. for me took 2- 3 months ..
I have the same problem .. maybe have a look here ? its a good read . worth trying some of the ideas
I eat subway once a week , Love it and still losing weight.. As long as its in your calories, i say go for it
As your fittness increases you stitches will fade .. thats what happened me .. Also try to take drinks at least 30 mins before a run and foods at least an hour .. This may help
That statement from him is enough for you to know what kinda guy he is .. RUN !!!
Im having the exact same issue "left ankle" .. Looking forward to what people say. I've tried rest , gave it 10 days , I've tried ice etc, It does wear off a bit after 5k but back again the next day .. Thanks for the post .
I think you could also try one of the fitness dvd like kettleworx , thats a 20 min 3 times a week . very nice short work out.